Bath botanical gardens
A selection of images from a recent trip to Bath botanical gardens, located within the Royal Victoria Park and free to enter.
The gardens have a fantastic array of tree and plant species from different continents and is totally worth the trip to visit.
My favourite experience was circumnavigating The Great Dell. Now a disused stone quarry, The Great Dell transported me back in time to a jurassic-esque small valley. Large towering Californian Redwood trees and neolithic looking statues provide an immersive experience as you walk the old quarry via an undulating path.

'Colossal Head of Jupiter' Jupiter being Zeus, god of sky and thunder, in Greek mythology. The colossal head itself is 1 metre high and weighs 6 tonnes.

Grade II listed Shakespeare monument, constructed in 1864 from Bath Limestone

Towering Californian Redwood

Monkey puzzle, or Chilean pine (Araucaria araucana)

Tall spruces and pines provide an immersive forest experience on a small scale.

Opening onto the aerial decking, the highest point of the gardens.
Trickling swale bringing water off the gardens